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 "All children thrive at this playgroup, achieving exceptionally well in their learning and development. The children all have excellent relationships with the staff, who have an in-depth understanding of their needs, interests and abilities." 


"The manager and staff are all highly enthusiastic and work with a passion to ensure that every child has the very best learning experiences at the playgroup."


"Staff use every opportunity foster children's self-esteem. Children receive high praise for their achievements and staff show genuine pride and excitement when children achieve."


"Every child receives excellent support from staff. Staff instinctively challenge children to develop their language and thinking. They introduce new vocabulary, increase children's mathematical awareness and understanding of the world. They encourage children to develop a love of books, with books readily available, indoors and outdoors."


"Staff value the diverse family backgrounds of the children... The curriculum encompasses cultural celebrations and traditions that reflect family homelands. Children learn to value diversity and to respect one another."


"Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) receive excellent support. The special educational needs coordinator is highly skilled and ensures these children are fully included." 


"Partnerships with parents are outstanding. Parents describe the playgroup staff as 'fantastic, friendly, welcoming and highly supportive'."


- Ofsted July 2023

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