During our Transport Topic in the 3/4 Year Old Room. One of the adult supported activities was creating patterns using different toy vehicles and paint.
Parachute Play
Outdoor Learning
We recently visited the Outdoor Pitch located on the Army Barracks and played some Parachute Games; helping to develop our turn taking, listening and understanding skills.
Harvesting our Produce
Outdoor Learning
At Duke of Gloucester Playgroup children help to plant, grow and look after our fruits and vegetables that we grow in our Allotment, we then enjoy our home grown produce at snack times.
Reading Corner
Free Play
Our children have the option to have some chill time whilst looking at various books in our reading corners.
All About Me
Adult Supported Activity
Recently, the children enjoyed looking at themselves in mirros then creating a self portrait which we have turned into a wonderful display in our 3/4 Year Old Room.
Apple Picking
Learning Through Nature
The children enjoyed harvesting some apples whilst on a walk.